
Daisy and Pinnacle Vodka Recycled Glass Window Panel


Stained glass window panel featuring clear daisies and Pinnacle Vodka glass.

I made this stained glass window panel using Pinnacle Vodka glass and clear coaster glass from a thrift store. I melt the glass in my kiln to flatten them, then the pieces then go back in the kiln to melt over plaster molds to create the designs in the glass.  Next, I fit the pieces, apply copper foil to the edges, then solder the panel together. After a final clean and polish, the panel is ready to hang from the attached chain. The yellow in the daisies is painted on with Pebeo Vitrail glass paint and can withstand gentle washing. This panel measures approximately 5 inches wide by 14 inches high and includes a chain for hanging. Note: It is too heavy to hang with a suction cup. You must hang it from a hook screwed into your window frame.

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